School Council

Our school council is lots of fun. We think of ideas to make the school a better place.  We have a big school council notice board in the school with our photos on. We have two school council members from each class who attend the meetings and feedback our decisions as well as bringing items for discussion from the class. We have had a say in our new playground as well as securing more playground equipment for lunchtimes.

Your school Councillors are as follows:

Year 1 – TBC


Year 2 – TBC


Year 3 – TBC


Year 4 – TBC


Year 5 – TBC


Year 6 – TBC

Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.  If you have any questions / ideas about School Council – please see your class rep or Mrs Malik.